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Alıntı:<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source!!
* Notes on hue
* This script uses hue rotation in the following manner:
* hue=0 is red (#FF0000)
* hue=60 is yellow (#FFFF00)
* hue=120 is green (#00FF00)
* hue=180 is cyan (#00FFFF)
* hue=240 is blue (#0000FF)
* hue=300 is magenta (#FF00FF)
* hue=360 is hue=0 (#FF0000)
* Notes on the script
* This script should function in any browser that supports document.getElementById
* It has been tested in Netscape7, Mozilla Firefox 1.0, and Internet Explorer 6
* Accessibility
* The script does not write the string out, but rather takes it from an existing
* HTML element. Therefore, users with javascript disabled will not be adverely affected.
* They just won't get the pretty colors.
* splits into 1 span for each letter
* span - HTML element containing a text node as the only element
function toSpans(span) {
var a=str.length;
for(var i=0; i<a; i++) {
var theSpan=document.createElement("SPAN");
* creates a rainbowspan object
* whose letters will be colored [deg] degrees of hue
* span - HTML element to apply the effect to (text only, no HTML)
* hue - what degree of hue to start at (0-359)
* deg - how many hue degrees should be traversed from beginning to end of the string (360 => once around, 720 => twice, etc)
* brt - brightness (0-255, 0 => black, 255 => full color)
* spd - how many ms between moveRainbow calls (less => faster)
* hspd - how many hue degrees to move every time moveRainbow is called (0-359, closer to 180 => faster)
function RainbowSpan(span, hue, deg, brt, spd, hspd) {
* sets the colors of the children of [this] as a hue-rotating rainbow starting at this.hue;
* requires something to manage ch externally
* I had to make the RainbowSpan class because M$IE wouldn't let me attach this prototype to [Object]
RainbowSpan.prototype.moveRainbow = function() {
if(this.hue>359) this.hue-=360;
var color;
var b=this.brt;
var a=this.length;
var h=this.hue;
for(var i=0; i<a; i++) {
if(h>359) h-=360;
if(h<60) { color=Math.floor(((h)/60)*b); red=b;grn=color;blu=0; }
else if(h<120) { color=Math.floor(((h-60)/60)*b); red=b-color;grn=b;blu=0; }
else if(h<180) { color=Math.floor(((h-120)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b;blu=color; }
else if(h<240) { color=Math.floor(((h-180)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b-color;blu=b; }
else if(h<300) { color=Math.floor(((h-240)/60)*b); red=color;grn=0;blu=b; }
else { color=Math.floor(((h-300)/60)*b); red=b;grn=0;blu=b-color; }
this.span.childNodes[i].style.color="rgb("+red+", "+grn+", "+blu+")";
// End -->
</script> </HEAD> <BODY> <div align="center"> <h3 id="r1"> Düzenle </h3> </div> <script type="text/javascript">
var r1=document.getElementById("r1"); //get span to apply rainbow
var myRainbowSpan=new RainbowSpan(r1, 0, 360, 255, 50, 18); //apply static rainbow effect
myRainbowSpan.timer=window.setInterval("myRainbowSpan.moveRainbow()", myRainbowSpan.speed);
</script> <div align="center"> <p id="r2">Düzenle By OnuR !</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript">
var r2=document.getElementById("r2"); //get span to apply rainbow
var myRainbowSpan2=new RainbowSpan(r2, 0, 360, 255, 50, 348); //apply static rainbow effect
myRainbowSpan2.timer=window.setInterval("myRainbowSpan2.moveRainbow()", myRainbowSpan2.speed);
</script> <p><center> <font face="arial, helvetica" size"-2"> <a href=""></a></font> </center><p>
<br /><br />

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  Sayfa Altında Hareketli Sosyal Siteler [Kodlu] Machine 5 11,821 21.03.2012, Saat: 01:37
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